Hello, meet me again in my
another post, so how about your day in 2017? Happy or not? Wishing all of you
get happiness everyday, aamiin.
This post i wanna share you my
outfit for attending my bestfriend’s graduation. Maybe, someday this outfit can
be inspired you, hehe. Modern Style, ya, because i combine my batik skirt with peplum
blouse. Not kebaya or another formal blouse.
batik skirt is one of my favorite skirt, because i love the pattern and also the
colour. I wanna tell you something, actually that batik skirt was my mother’s
skirt, she is mmmm i don’t wanna say she is fat, haha, but she is bigger than
me :P So, she made this skirt fit with my body (last year, can you believe my
weight was 43 :”)).
So, I chose that skirt for my outfit in Novik’s graduation cause I never wear that
skirt after a long time. On the day I wear that skirt and you know what
happened? That skirt didn’t fit with my body, aaaaa I didn’t bring any dress or
skirt, huft. Still fit but I didn’t comfort :”)
I’m sure peplum blouse is one of favorite style for some people, I love too.
But, I chose the wrong material, that material made me looks fat (Oh please, I still
can’t believe that I’m fat now).
Am i looks fat in this post? (Please say, No!) :")
What i wear:
Pashmina: Zahra
Pompom earring : Heartwarmer
Flatshoes: Yongki Komaladi